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Tuomas Anttila

Band-Aids for Bullet Wounds

Focus on what’s actually important, not on what’s sexy.

That best sums up what the title of this week’s article is trying to say. 90% of the time we tend to go down rabbit holes and look for complex solutions to the problems we’re facing when it comes to achieving results in our training.

You wouldn’t put a band-aid on a bullet wound.

This just masks the bigger issue at hand.

Similarly, the most common hindrances we face when it comes to achieving a more aesthetic physique, getting stronger, or losing body fat consist of overindulgence in foods and alcohol, lack of sleep, not having a plan, and being inconsistent with our training.

Sure, there are sexy solutions to all these problems. Taking CBD oils to help us manage our stress, taking power naps, using supplements to help us burn fat, relying on pre-workouts and other stimulants to get through training sessions. But this is all window dressing.

They only matter if we’re already doing the fundamentals, and even then not necessary. Otherwise, we’re just trying to find shortcuts for doing the work we know we need to do.

I heard a phrase in the gym recently. A coach was training their client who was performing a hack squat and not hitting good enough depth. He told them “your biggest progress in this exercise will come from the place you least want to go to, so, you have to go lower.”

I’d rephrase this slightly to make it applicable for the purposes of progress in all areas:

The most progress will come from addressing the areas that you’re neglecting the most.

Lacking in sleep? Set a routine, go to bed earlier, and wake up each morning at the same time.

Not losing body fat? Prepare meals in advance, track your food intake, and hit your training sessions consistently.

Not getting stronger? Track your workouts so you know what to improve upon each session.

Shift the mindset from looking at these things as chores, and rather as habits that all high-performers do routinely because they know they function better as a result. If you want better results in your training and physique, then you need to hold yourself to a higher standard.

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” Socrates

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