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Tuomas Anttila

Density Training to Improve your Conditioning & Fat Loss

Density = mass x volume

That pretty much sums up density training. Accumulating a greater total workload (volume) by lifting a heavy load (mass) repeatedly within a specific time constraint.

Workouts like this have been around for a long time, and in more recent times popularised by training modes such as CrossFit, but if you're looking for ways to mix up your training and improve your overall performance in your quest to get lean and mean, then this style of training might be a welcome break to the Insanity-style workouts you've been doing.


Every Minute On the Minute. Brutally simple in its efficiency. There's simply no tougher competition than the clock. How does it work? Pick 1-2 exercises and assign a number of reps for each. Set your timer to 10-20 mins, when the clock starts perform said number of reps and then rest until the start of the next minute. Rinse, repeat, die.

People tend to look at this and think it's a walk in the park. 5 reps of pull-ups every minute for 15 mins? Easy. The most common mistakes that happen are that you either race through the reps thinking you'll have longer rest and gass out or you dawdle during the set and find the next minute starts before you're ready. Both mistakes will cost you.

Example workouts

A. (Bodyweight)

3 x Pull-Ups for 10 mins (30 reps total)

B. (Barbell)

4 x Deadlifts @ 75% max for 10 mins (40 reps total)

C. (Bodyweight & Kettlebell)

20 mins

Minute 1: 8 x KB Swings

Minute 2: 8 x Push-Ups

EMOM workouts can be set up in many different ways, depending on what the overall goal is. Strength goal: hit up some heavy deadlifts for low reps. Fat Loss: some 20m prowler pushes for 10 mins.

Their time effective and equipment sparing, but they'll make you work for their rewards.


As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible. Another race against time and one that is easily progressed week to week.

The protocol is simple once again. Pick 2-3 exercises, assign reps for each, decide on an appropriate length of time and complete as many rounds of the circuit as possible. Cumulative fatigue becomes a very real thing, and depending on exercise selection and loading, potentially a lot of metabolic stress (hello hypertrophy). Another benefit is fat loss, which shouldn't come as a surprise: fast pace for workouts, heat, acidity, high heart rate, and constantly beating your previous best.

Example workouts

A. 10-15 mins

6 x Pull-Ups

8 x Dumbbell Bench Press

B. 10-15 mins

5 x Front-Squats

8 x Supinated Grip Chin-Up

Some final thoughts on guidelines for this kind of training. Pairing technically complex, lower back loading movements for high reps for long duration is probably not worthy of a Nobel Prize for programming. Too much of anything is going to be bad. Below are some general thoughts on programming:

Upper body pull with lower body push

Upper body push with lower body pull

Upper body push with upper body pull

You can probably see the freedom in this kind of working out. It's a fine line between making density training smart or completely moronic. The best plans still have structure to them, an element of progressive overload and work within a clearly defined goal. Don't take density training as an excuse to train hard but disorganised.

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