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Tuomas Anttila

You're not working as hard as you think you are

You might be training 3-5 times per week. Following a training programme, tracking your weights, eating well, and ticking the boxes so to speak. But, there’s something holding you back from reaching your potential in the gym.

You’re just not working as hard as you think you are.

There’s been a trend in the fitness industry in recent years, that’s coincided with the prevalence of social media and the growing number of coaches over the years. There’s a lot of talk about training with proper intensity, but an evident lack of the very thing.

There’s one thing that you can’t overlook if you want to achieve results that are above normal, which comes down to pushing yourself to some very uncomfortable places when you train. Those who know, know.

I remember a particular training session from a few years back when I used to train at an old school bodybuilding gym ran by a former Mr. Universe winner, and being put through a leg session by one of the regulars called Big Mo, a 120kg behemoth. The aftermath of a series of brutal drop sets on the leg press resulted in him quite literally lifting me out of the seat. When I stood there with shaky legs he said “good work” and gave me a pat on the back after which my legs buckled under me.

The point here is that there is a time and a place. Not every session should be trained as if someone had a gun to your head. But, knowledge of how to take yourself to that place is valuable. It will give you a very important frame of reference for your actual effort in the gym. People talk of training to failure. But when people say their failure is at 12 reps, it's probably actually closer to 30. We as human beings underestimate our capacity due to not wanting to experience the discomfort that comes with pushing our limits. But staying in the comfort zone doesn’t lead to results. As the saying goes, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Next time you train, see if you’re actually pushing yourself as hard as you think you are. Or if that’s just your brain trying to convince you that it’s tough enough because it wants to keep you comfortable. If you really push yourself to a limit, you’ll know, because there’s no mistaking how it feels.

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